A Professional Website is Your #1 Marketing Tool


By Josh Lindquist

Many of our clients ask us where should they focus their attention in the area of marketing. Our response and the response of any knowledgeable marking company is to invest in a professionally designed sales website.

Why a Website?
Because the modern sales model for where to direct potential customers is "Contact Us or go to Our Website." I am sure you have herd this on tv or on the radio or in some kind of sales collateral such as a brochure. This direction makes your website the base for all your marketing efforts. In fact, customers now expect to be able to visit a web site before they make a decision on where they will spend their $. If you do not have a professional sales website, you will lose their business and of you do not have a website at all..... I won't even mention how much respect and business you will lose in your market.

Why a professionally designed website?
Because a regular web site will get you one place with potential and current clients - NoWhere! Many companies try to cut the budget low and get a website whipped up as quick and as cheap as they can. Here is the question to ask yourself. When is the last time you knew you were going to have contact with a potential customer or client and you showed up with messy hair and an outfit that was all wrinkly and stinky? You would never do that! Then why do it with your web site? Fact, 80% or more of all customers visit a website before doing a business transaction. Needless to say, it is important to have a website that reflects the best possible image of your company, this is achieved by professional graphic design that reinforces your brand or corporate image.

Why a Sales website?
A sales website works like the "Slick Willy" who can sell anyone anything......You know the ketchup Popsicle to a lady with white gloves, a refrigerator to village of Alaskan Eskimos... Ok, we all know I am kidding because honest business rooted in integrity is a must for any company that desires to grow. But, have you ever been to a store and you were just browsing and did not plan to buy anything, but you talked to that one sales person and before you knew it, you bought the whole store? This is what a professionally designed sales web site can do for you, they convert the visitors of your site into customers.

Important evaluation for business of all sizes?
What is the point of getting all the traffic in the world to your website if you are not converting and winning the business of your visitors? (This is another thing that do-it-yourself or budget websites will never be able to do). Think about the difference a
professionally designed sales website can make for your company. Think of all the sales you are losing by not having the best site possible on the web...... You make the choice with your company's website, give business away to your competitors who have a great site, or get your act together on the web.

Josh Lindquist is the CEO of Quist Designs a professional graphic, web and marketing firm. Visit: www.QuistDesigns.com

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